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  • Tacking Cleaning Hacks

    Taking care of your horse’s tack is important for the longevity and safety of your equipment! All tack should always be wiped down after you ride, but it’s always good to do a deep clean at least once a week as well. Understanding how to clean and take apart your bridle corresponds to the curriculum in the Equine Canada Level 3 requirements. 1️⃣ Start with a tack cleaner, some warm water, and a sponge. With your sponge and warm water, gently go over every nook & cranny of your equipment, taking apart buckles to clean both sides of each piece of leather. Then, add your tack cleaner to the sponge and help remove any dirt that may be stuck to the leather. When cleaning your saddle, make sure to get the underside of your saddle and underneath the flaps. Personally, my favourite tack cleaner is The Carr & Day & Martin spray which can be found here: (Pro tip: When taking apart your bridle, don’t forget what holes your cheek pieces and noseband are on! These holes are fitted to your horse and may be tricky for you to refit if you have not fit a bridle before.) 2️⃣ Time to condition! Add your tack conditioner to your sponge to help keep the leather supple. Another favourite product is the Oakwood Leather Conditioner found here: 3️⃣ Now time for oil! Tack oil helps rehydrate the leather. You don’t need a lot of oil—just use a tiny amount at a time on a sponge or microfiber cloth. Be careful as you oil—oiling can darken your leather if you aren't careful! If you don't want to darken your leather, it is always a good idea to do a test patch under your saddle to see how your leather is going to react to the oil. The Fiebing's Pure Neatsfoot Oil can be bought here: 4️⃣ Now that you are finished, piece your tack back together ensuring it is put together properly. Double-check your bit is attached facing the correct direction, your reins aren't twisted, and all pieces were put together on the correct holes. If you are cleaning a school horse bridle, make sure to get a staff member to double-check your work! Once your bridle is approved, figure-8 your bridle and hang it on its hook. Check to make sure your stirrups are facing the correct way and if your saddle has saftey stirrups, they are facing away from your saddle. Awesome! Now that your bridle and saddle are cleaned make sure to clean up your space and put your saddle cover back on. Not sure when is a good time to deep clean your tack? Deep cleans should happen before every show, clinic and event. This is apart of good turn out and shows you respect yourself, the judge or coach and your horse. Wipe downs of your tack should happen after every ride. Did you find these tips helpful or do you have your own tack cleaning hacks? Comment below and let us know! After your ride is the best time to clean your tack

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